Submission Procedures 2026
Submissions to exhibit during 2026 will be accepted from Monday 3rd February until Friday 28th March 2025.
Final deadline is 5pm, Friday 28th March 2025.
*Please note that submissions will not be accepted outside these dates.*
If your submission is successful and you accept the proposed exhibition dates offered you will need to pay €250 for venue hire. Details of the service provided for this fee are listed under Exhibition Service.
Submissions must include:
1. A maximum of six digital images (ie. jpg), clearly marked with your name and the dimensions of the piece. All images must be suitable for print reproduction. How to Photograph your work
2. Submission proposal covering what you hope to exhibit if you are successful (no longer than one sheet of A4 paper)
3. Artist’s CV (art-related only), which must include your name, postal address, phone number and email address.
Send submissions to
Please note: submissions that do not include all the requirements listed above will be disqualified automatically.
Exhibition Service
- Staff to hang, open and invigilate your exhibition over the two-week period. Any special considerations (technical requirements with regard to video installations, etc.) should be discussed with the Centre well in advance of the exhibition to ensure that staff are properly briefed.
- Non-visual catalogues for each show, which normally include the artist’s statement/biography.
- Various arts publications and arts listings of up-coming exhibitions in advance of publication dates.
- Press Releases are sent 3 months, 1 month and 2 weeks before exhibition date to various Magazines and Newspapers. Please inform the centre if you require press release sent to any other publications.
- If the exhibitor is approaching their local County Arts Office or other such funding body for funding assistance with regard to the exhibition in Signal, the Centre will provide a letter to support the application.
- Invitations (which are supplied by the Exhibitor) are sent from the Centre to the gallery’s mailing list, which includes local and national press, magazines etc.
- If the Exhibitor is seeking sponsorship for beverages etc. for their opening night. The Centre can supply a letter in support of such sponsorship.
Exhibitions Policy
Signal’s exhibition policy is geared to maximise the opportunities for artists to exhibit by hosting 25 fortnightly shows a year. This has the additional benefit of providing an interesting variety of work for regular visitors to the gallery who might otherwise become bored by “static” long-standing shows, which are a feature of many galleries. Work exhibited was to be selected on merit only – commercial consideration with regards to sales were not to be a factor in granting an exhibition. Submissions were to be voted on by a selection committee made up of working artists whose primary concern was that they considered the work to be a sufficiently high standard to merit an exhibition. In the context of making the centre and the arts an integral part of the local community a maximum of six exhibition slots per year may be reserved for community arts groups, voluntary organisations, etc. These slots are approved by the centre and are not subject to the same submission criteria as working artists.
- 25 Exhibitions per year.
- The centre may reserve a maximum of six slots for community or voluntary groups.
- Work submitted must be of sufficiently high standards for submission and be professionally presented.
- A booking fee is payable on being offered an exhibition.
- A selection committee comprised of working artists grants exhibitions.
- The make up of the committee changes on a regulars basis and views submissions every six months.
- The gallery is open to the public six days a week including weekends. The hanging of shows takes place on Mondays, or on Tuesday in event of an bank holiday.
Since 1990, Signal has managed a programme of over 700 exhibitions providing artists with an opportunity to exhibit and sell their work. The exhibitions have enriched the lives of tens of thousands of visitors to the gallery. This programme is ongoing and the gallery is normally booked up to twelve months in advance.