Karen Hickey | Clothed


Exhibition of works by Karen Hickey.

img1img2img3Monday 30th April – Sunday 13th May 2018


Signal Arts Centre is delighted to be exhibiting works by the artist Karen Hickey.

‘Clothed’ is a rummage through wardrobes and suitcases of folks we might have known. What will these storytellers, with their captivating colours and layers of texture and expression, tell of their life and times?

Karen Hickey has always had a fascination with old photographs and paintings documenting people from the past. From witches to bar tenders, to the upper classes to those who had less, circus people, servants and railroad workers, Hickey shows how a garment, with its fabric hanging on the body marking its impression, turns a person into someone who can be categorised.

Her work observes those fortunate individuals who use clothes, not just for warmth or as a tool to cover themselves, but to form and shape themselves into how they wish to be perceived. She also acknowledges those who have no opportunity for this luxury and are clearly uncomfortable in their garment.

Karen uses her creative intuition to seek out the essence of a person at first glance – who are they when they speak their truths, what hides under the facade of outfits and smiles? She considers herself to be an observer and a reader of people with an underlying urge to discover their truth and to recognise what is real in them.

Opening Reception: Friday 4th May from 7 – 9 pm

All Welcome!

The event is finished.



30 Apr 2018 - 13 May 2018


All Day


Signal Arts Centre
1a Albert Ave, Bray, Co. Wicklow


Signal Arts Centre
01 276 2039

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