Matea Brekalo | Equus Ferus

Opening Reception: Thursday 24th November, 7-9pm

The artist chooses the motif of a wild horse, after which named her solo exhibition “Equus Ferus”. The body of a noble horse animal is its inspired drawing starting point. On the canvases, there is an observation, imbued with her own imagination, guided by a sure hand, with a strong stroke of the brush she builds a form of her own animalism.

The tension and contrasting values of the line which are clean, vivid contours are broken and softened by surfaces of a clear tone, impasto, or azure but almost always it seems there is a complete absence of colour. Asymmetry within the composition leads to displacement and tension from blurred sections in the background distance, to those sharp foreground details, thus achieving dominance and maximum contrast within the format.

Matea Brekalo is a Dublin-based artist in Ireland. In addition to figurative art, she deals with abstraction, anatomy, still life, and landscapes. Her art is not limited to one medium, style, and concept. Matea has a Master’s degree in Painting from the Academy of Arts University Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 and she is a Visual Arts Teacher. Her work is held in public and private collections in Europe.
Solo exhibition: 2017, Gallery Aluminij, ‘Equus Ferus’, Mostar, BiH.
Exhibitions: Groups, charity, and auction exhibitions since 2008.

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21 Nov 2022 - 04 Dec 2022


10:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Signal Arts Centre
1a Albert Ave, Bray, Co. Wicklow


Signal Arts Centre
01 276 2039
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